This week in Kindergarten!
Monday was pumpkin day! To learn all about pumpkin day, find my pumpkin day blog post.
Our poem this week was Pumpkin Patch. We made movements, glued the poem into our poetry notebook, completed a poetry page, and we recorded the poem for seesaw.
Our read aloud this week was Pumpkin Jack. We worked on predicting, retelling, making connections, making inferences, learning about the pumpkin life cycle, and answering comprehension questions.
In writing, we wrapped up our pattern book writing unit. The students worked so hard on stretching out their words, writing a letter for each sound they wrote, and drawing a wow picture to match. All pattern writing books came home this week so take a look at them and all the hard work your writer did! Next week, we will start our official writing curriculum; Lucy Calkins Writing.
In math, they are currently working on Unit 2 Numbers to Ten. In this unit, your child will quickly recognize how many objects are in a collection (up to 5) without counting, compare sets using the words more or less, develop number sense with combinations that make 5, and then 10, count objects and math the quantity to the written numeral, and build with two-dimension shapes.
In science, we are still learning about day and night, the sun, and the moon. We learned about the many difference phases our moon has, the stars, and the sun.
In guidance, we learned about self-talk and staying on task. We reviewed our listening rules, reviewed our listening song, and we learned what self-talk was and how to do it. Self-talk is a developmentally appropriate strategy that students can use to help themselves listen, follow directions, and stay on task. Over time, self-talk typically becomes internalized and is no longer spoken out loud. However, whether our loud or silent, self-talk can be a powerful tool to help students remember directions and focus and guide their efforts.
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