Friday, October 15, 2021

October 11-15


Our read alouds this week were Creepy Carrots and Creepy Pair of Underwear. We worked on predicting, retelling, and comparing and contrasting. 

Our poem this week was Candy Corn. We made movements to our poem, glued it into our poetry notebook, completed a poetry page, and recorded the poem for seesaw. 

In writing, we are continuing with pattern books. This week, they started writing pattern books on their own. I would help them sound a word out if they needed it, but they are starting the process of being more independent writers. I love when we get to this point because all their books get to be different.

In science, we have been talking about day and night. This week we learned that the north and south pole have day time for half the year and night time for half the year. We are glad we don't live there! 

In guidance, we learned about following directions. We talked about how important staying focused is to following directions. 

In math, they are currently working on Unit 2 Numbers to Ten. In this unit, your child will quickly recognize how many objects are in a collection (up to 5) without counting, compare sets using the words more or less, develop number sense with combinations that make 5, and then 10, count objects and math the quantity to the written numeral, and build with two-dimension shapes. 

Friday was Principal appreciation day and we made a poster for Mrs. Little! 

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