This week in Kindergarten!
Our poem this week was 5 Little Bats. We made movements to our poem, glued our poem into our poetry notebook, completed a poetry page, and recorded our poem for seesaw.
Our read aloud this week was Where's My Mummy. We practiced making connections, talking about problem and solution, talking about the setting and the characters, and retelling the main events.
For writing, we moved into our official writing curriculum. The students are starting to write personal narratives. We started with a whole class book on pumpkin day.
In math, they are currently working on Unit 2 Numbers to Ten. In this unit, your child will quickly recognize how many objects are in a collection (up to 5) without counting, compare sets using the words more or less, develop number sense with combinations that make 5, and then 10, count objects and math the quantity to the written numeral, and build with two-dimension shapes.
In science, we finished up our stars and moon unit. They really enjoyed learning all about stars and our moon. They especially like learning about constellations.