Friday, November 5, 2021

November 1-4


This week in Kindergarten! 

Our poem this week was I'm a Little Scarecrow. We made movements to our poem, glued it into our poetry notebook, completed a poetry page, and recorded the poem for seesaw. 

Our read aloud this week was Scaredy Squirrel. We practiced talking about characters and setting, studying our main character, making inferences, telling our favorite part, and answering comprehension questions. 

In writing, we finished our Pumpkin Patch book and moved on to making our Halloween Party book. After we completed our Halloween Party book, they will be writing their own personal narratives. 

In math, we finished up unit 2 and moved to unit 3. In this unit your child will count by 2's to 20, explore even numbers as doubles, add 1 and subtract 1 to numbers from 1 to 10, compare and order numbers from 1 to 10, and write equations to show sums up to 5. 

On Tuesday, we went outside to our Thorson Nature Center and we spread some mulch. The Kindergartners are very good mulch spreaders. 

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