Week 2
We did lots of things this week! Our interactive read aloud text for the week was "Recess Queen". We read the book, listened to the book online, and read some of the book together as a class. We also worked on predicting, connecting with characters, inferring, and making connections to the text.
We also learned a new poem this week! Our shared reading poem was called family. We learned how to sing this poem, we came up with movements for our poem, and we sorted words on rather they started with an M like Mom, D like Dad, of F like Family.
We looked at different word studies this week as well. We sorted N or H words, M or N words, R or M words, L or R words, and I or L words. The students are learning so much about beginning sounds and how to write some letters.
In math we focus on sorting this week. The students sorted shapes based on color, size, and shape.
We had our first Library visit this week. Library is always on Monday's. It is right away in the morning! Students have the opportunity to check out one book every week and should return that book by the next Monday. If a book is not returned by Library time then they are not able to check out a new one, which is okay!
We had our first school assembly on Friday of last week. New teachers, staff, and students were introduced. We also had the opportunity to was a video clip or some fun pictures that were taken on the first week of school. Some of my friends were even in the video!
This week, Mrs. DeRosa, Thorson's Literacy Coach, was in our room to help with our literacy block. She taught the students a lot about letter sounds and she taught me some new tricks and tips. We loved having her come to our classroom this week and we are looking forward to having her come to our class next week for writing.
I sent home scholastic order forms tonight. You can log onto scholastic.com and make an account and order books right off the website. You can connect to my class by name, Abigail Davel, or by code, TJVG7. Order forms are due on September 28th.
Thank you to all the parents who sent snacks and dixie cups! The students and I are very appreciative of your classroom donation!
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