This week, our poem was "Sticky Situation". The students learned the poem and made up movements to go along with the words. We also sorted objects by numbers and did some rhyming sorts. The students really like rhyming! We also sang our poem for the office on Friday. Check out the Thorson Elementary School Facebook page to see it!
For reading, we focused on "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse". We practiced making predictions, retelling the events in the story, connecting to the characters, making inferences, and writing about our favorite part!
For handwriting, Mrs. DeRosa was in our room this week! She taught us all about sitting in our chairs during writing time, holding our pencil, and the number 1. She will continue to work with us next week for handwriting.
For writing, we worked on telling a story on paper. The students thought about stories, shared stories, drew their story, and added labels. We are working on telling little parts of our stories now like the beginning, middle, and end.
In math, we played a cube game where the students rolled a dice and built a tower using the same amount of cubes as the number they rolled. This helped with one-to-one correspondence and tracking (counting and pointing at the same time). We also introduced 2D shapes this week and sorted them into two groups, curvy and not curvy.
We also had the opportunity to do some science this week. I love STEM projects and we had the opportunity to do 2 of those this week. The first one was testing if a car moved faster on carpet or on tile. The students had the opportunity to make a ramp out of anything for their car to go down on. Some of my favorite ramps were clipboard ramps and shoe ramps. We found that the car moved faster on tile than it did on carpet. We also completed a stem project to go along with "Lilly's Plastic Purse". The students were given a purple piece of paper and were asked to make a purse out of that paper. They could use any supplies they wanted! The purse had to fit sunglasses and coins without them falling out. I lot of my purses have cute handles and one even has a bow! They were very creative.
We also had a visit from baby chicks this week! Enjoy some pictures of the chicks in our classroom! The students thought they were all so cute and cuddly.
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