Friday, February 8, 2019

February 4-8

Our poem this week was, "Groundhogs Day". We learned all about Groundhogs Day. We made movements to our poem, sorted GR/TR/CR words, sorted TH/SH/CH/WH words, and practiced rhyming. We also talked about vowels. 

Our big book this week was "By the Light of the Moon". We talked about how a full moon is very bright. We also talked about how the moon rises and sets just like the sun!

Our read aloud was "Hooway for Wodney Wat". Wodney Wat's real name is Rodney Rat but he pronounces his R's like a W. We had lots of fun reading this book! We worked on visualizing, retelling, making connections, connecting to our character, telling our opinion, and answering comprehension questions. 

For word work, we looked at A or AY words. We sorted words, colored word chunks, made new AY words, and colored pictures that were long A or long O. 

For handwriting, we worked on lowercase M/H/B/F/Q. 

For writing, we ended our informational writing unit and started our narrative writing. The students are working on writing a story with a beginning (a hook) sentence and then telling the beginning, middle, and end. 

In math, we are working hard on measuring. The students love using the scales and comparing the weight of different items. We also looked at different ways of measuring. 

For guidance, we talked about disappointment and how to calm ourselves down when we are disappointed. 

For science, we talked about uses of land and the water cycle. 

Our new word wall words are; from and all.

Mason was our student of the week last week this week! We loved learning more about Mason and having his mom and brother come read to us!

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