Friday, December 7, 2018

December 3-7

Our poem this week was "Gingerbread Man". We learned the song, made movements to match the words, completed a rhyming sort, completed an ending sound sort, and answered comprehension questions. 

Our big book this week was "In the Arctic". We read this book and talked about the story. We also learned more about some of the animals in the book. 

"The Gingerbread Man" was our read aloud this week. We worked on visualizing, retelling, problem and solution, favorite part, and comprehension questions. We also read some other gingerbread man books and compared them.

For word work, we worked on WH and TH sounds. We sorted our pictures and words together and then individually. We also colored pictures depending on if they had the WH sound or the TH sound. 

For handwriting, we worked on Q and G. 

For writing, we moved into our new writing unit; How To books. We learned our "We Will Teach You" chant. We also made a party mix and wrote down our steps. 

For math we are working on part/part whole. This week, the students worked together with their partners to fill in their part/part whole chart based off of story problems that I am reading to them. 

For science, we looked at all different animals from our "In The Arctic" book. We learned more about Lemmings, Puffin's, and Seal's. 

Avery was our special person of the week! We enjoyed learning more about Avery and we loved having his mom come to read to us on her birthday! Happy Birthday Mrs. Hopf!

Mr. and Mrs. Orcholski came into our classroom this week to teach us about Hanukkah. We were excited to eat the gelt coins and play with our new dreidels. 

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