Thursday, December 19, 2019

December 16-20

This week in Kindergarten has been an exciting one! The students have been so very excited for the winter break and all the fun things that they have planned. 

Our new word wall words this week were "was" and "are". 

Our poem was "Reindeer Snack". We really loved making our own reindeer snack! 

Our big book was "Up In The Cloud Forest". We enjoyed learning about all new animals. 

For our read aloud, we focused on "The Gingerbread Girl". We worked on predicting, retelling, comparing our story to "The Gingerbread Man", making inferences, telling our favorite parts, and answering comprehension questions. 

In writing, we have been working on how to books. The students have been enjoying more freedom during writing time and more choices in their writing topics. 

For math, we have been focusing on counting and number order! All the students have been learning and making growth in their number sense! I am very proud of them. 

I hope that you all enjoy your winter break and that you have a wonderful holiday season! 

Hot Chocolate Party

During the month of December we have been playing classroom Bingo. The students made the decision to work towards earning a hot chocolate party and even asked if they could do blackout if I added in marshmallows. 

Early this week the students earned their hot chocolate party and yesterday we finally got to have some hot chocolate. The students absolutely loved it! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Grinch Movie Permission Forms

On December 20th I am hoping to show "The Grinch". 

The movie is rated PG and therefore we need parent permission to show the movie in school. Permission slips will be coming home today and I ask that you sign and return them by Monday, December 16th. 

We will not be watching the (sometimes) scary Jim Carrey version but the new cartoon one that was released in 2018! Here is a trailer of the movie! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Kids 2 Kids Fundraiser

Tent Construction Day

Thorson Elementary School earned an all school reward! 

On Thursday, December 12, the students will be building forts and reading with their 3rd grade buddies. 

Please send your child to school with 1 blanket or 1 sheet and a book they would like to read. 

Thank you!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Gingerbread Making

Gingerbread making is on Friday!!

Everyone is invited to help their child decorate a gingerbread house! 

We will start at 2:50. 

Friday, December 6, 2019


Due to gingerbread making and our Holiday party, library is being switched to Monday for the next 2 weeks. 

December 9th and December 16th will be new library days! 

Please send books back on Monday so your child can check out new books. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Dramatic Play Center

Our dramatic play center is changing from a construction site to a doctors office!

Kuck's Clinic!

We are in need of some materials to finish our center. 

Doctor coat
Doctor tools

If you send anything in for the dramatic play center if will be returned when it is switched out to something new!

Monday, November 25, 2019

November 18-22

Our poem this week was "5 Fat Turkeys". We made movements to our poem and completed a poetry page. 

For word work, we sorted IT and IP words. 

Our read aloud was "Goldy". We learned about speech bubbles and reading with expression. 

Our read aloud was "Turkey Trouble". We practiced making predictions, retelling main events, writing what we already knew about turkeys, learning more information about turkeys, and answering comprehension questions. 

We finished up our pattern book writing unit this week! The students each picked their favorite writing and shared it to everyone in the class. In December we will start how to writing. 

In math, we have been practicing story problems and writing equations. 

In handwriting, we focused on Q and G. 

In guidance, we learned what to do if we accidentally hurt another friend. 

Our new word wall words this week were A, ON, and UP. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Exciting News!

Mrs. Kuck is having a baby!!

Baby Kuck is due at the end of May!

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Tonight is the last night to sign up for conferences if you haven’t yet! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

50's Day!

50's Day is here!!

The students danced to "We go Together" from Grease this morning and were so excited to show off their outfits!

Our celebration starts this afternoon where the students will be playing math games to 50, having root beer floats and learning the twist, making a 50's day project, playing hop scotch, jumping rope, and hoola hooping.